Information Systems Program Description (Software Development Focus)


Computer-based information systems have become a critical part of products, services, and management of organizations. The Information Systems discipline centers on the development of systems that will improve the performance of people in organizations. Information systems are vital to problem identification, analysis, and decision making at all levels of management. Information Systems professionals must analyze the evolving role of information and organizational processes. Their work includes the design, implementation and maintenance of the information systems that form the backbone of today's global economy.

Our software development focused professional Information Systems master’s degree program prepares students to enter the job market with highly marketable and in-demand skills. Graduates will be able to design, implement and evaluate a computing-based system that meets program requirements using current software development techniques
and technologies.

Information Systems Program Requirements

Students must satisfactorily complete all core courses and required courses, for a total of thirty (30) graduate credit hours, and a comprehensive examination for the Information Systems master’s degree program.  Information Systems master’s degree student majors must complete their program of study with a minimum grade of "B" in core courses and an overall program GPA of 3.0. The thirty (30) graduate hours consist of twelve (12) hours of CORE courses and eighteen (18) hours of REQUIRED courses as follows:

  • CORE (12 hours)
    • ISC 501 – Programming for Information Systems
    • ISC 507 – IS Database Processing
    • ISC 561 – Information Systems Database Management
    • ISC 565 – Information Systems Project and Change Management
  • Required (18 hours)
    • ISC 551 – Human Computer Interface Design
    • ISC 545 – Management Information Systems
    • ISC 559 – Application Design and Implementation
    • ISC 560 – Information Systems Analysis and Design
    • ISC 567 – Information Systems Function Integration
    • ISC 568 – Information Systems Enterprise Integration

For additional information about our IS graduate programs, please contact Dr. Debra Chapman at or (251) 460-7370. 

Curricular Practical Training 

International students enrolled in this program may complete Curricular Practical Training (CPT). Student will need to secure their own internship, complete the CPT application form, and enroll in one hour of CIS 596 (CIS Graduate Internship Class). This class does require permission by the Director of Graduate Studies. 

Students will also need to work with the Global USA office to ensure compliance with all immigration and visa requirements. 

Comprehensive Examination 

Students in the Information Systems program must pass a written examination. Students should take the examination as soon as possible after successfully the program’s core courses. Students wishing to sit for the examination must apply online to the Director of SoC Graduate Studies by the Friday of the last week of classes in the semester prior to which the examination is to be taken. The comprehensive examination is offered at least once a year. The School of Computing Comprehensive Examination Policies and Procedures document and the Comprehensive Examination Application form are available at